So, this post is going to seem as if I'm bragging on my son (and I am) but stay with me.
This year, my son has gotten into gardening. And he has been doing a pretty good job. Considering where we live, seeing tomatoes, lettuce, peppers, and more growing in the back yard has been impressive. He has also started a successful candle business. I watched him take his time to learn the process of candle making, so that he can produce quality products. He's doing this while working a full time job, in which he manages several people and maintaining a healthy relationship with his girlfriend.
This morning (even though he has to work) he got up and made breakfast. What's so special about making breakfast? He made homemade biscuits FROM SCRATCH!!! I'm talking flour, butter, rolling pin SCRATCH!!!
As I ate my food, I began to think about how we as parents, and humans in general, often focus so much on the negative, that the positives seem to get stuck in the back of our brains. Example: The boy is nowhere near as neat as I am. And I often found myself fussing and nitpicking about his room not being cleaned or leaving his gardening tools on the porch. But I had to remind myself that this is also the same child that started a garden, that fixes little household problems, that drove me back and forth when I couldn't drive myself, that loves going to work vs hanging in the streets, that has a gentle heart and a beautiful soul, THAT GETS UP AND MAKES HOMEMADE BISCUITS!
Now is he perfect? No! But none of us are. There was a lesson in these biscuits this morning. Before you complain, think about if what you're complaining about is going to even matter in the next 5 minutes, 5 hours, 5 days. If it is, then ok. But if not, breathe, be grateful, and have a biscuit!
