It’s that time of year; people are preparing feasts for Thanksgiving and going on shopping sprees for Christmas. Families are traveling near and far to make their ways to loved ones. Homes are being decorated with festive statues and bright lights. The weather is changing to colder temperatures which is bringing out ciders and cocoa and toasty marshmallows. Frosty the Snowman and A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving air on television stations everywhere. Radios are blasting “Jingle Bells” and let us not act like “Silent Night” by the Temptations stamps the beginning of the Christmas season. Everyone is happy and jolly, right?
Believe it or not, this time of year is the hardest and most depressing for more people than you’d expect. Not everyone is in a festive mood. Some are mourning and grieving the loss of loved ones. Some are battling anxiety from various causes. Others are suffering from seasonal depression. There are so many triggers that cause grief during this time of year. We have to be very mindful of how we treat and handle others during the holidays. Many want to be in a festive mood but simply cannot. Don’t get so offended if you offer a “Happy Holidays” to someone and don’t even get a smile in return. Stop telling people to simply smile. Often times, that’s easier said than done. Don’t assume loved ones are acting funny because they don’t want to come to the family dinner. And stop always thinking that just because nothing seriously tragic has happened to someone, that they can’t suffer from anxiety, depression, and other sadnesses.
Little know fact about myself: I love Christmas but I am not fond of Christmas music. It is so depressing that some songs literally bring me to tears. And I have no idea why! Sounds crazy, right? Yep! But would you expect that from me? Nope!
During this holiday season, please be mindful of what we say, what we do, and how we treat others. Please keep family and friends in mind that are going through something, no matter how big or small. Check on the sick. Embrace those that are grieving. They need us! Don’t be quick to take forms of rejection personally. Practice a little more patience. Give a little extra time. Be a little more gentle. Love a lot harder. And remember, to always, beYOUtiful!