I was at work the other day and I was STARVING! I went to the breakroom, pulled out my lunch bag, and popped my food in the microwave. I reached in my bag for a fork and realized that I had forgotten to pack one. Oh how quickly devastation set in. Cause remember, I'm STARVING! I took a deep breath and said, "Jesus be a fork!" I started looking in the cabinets for a fork. Would you believe that the very first cabinet I opened had a brand new plastic spoon! I was so relieved! But before I could even open the spoon, God said, "But you asked me to be a fork. You gonna give up that quick?"
Baby I set the spoon down so fast and kept looking for a fork. And wouldn't you know it, the very last cabinet I looked in had a brand new box full of forks! Ok God! I heard you loud and clear!
*** It wasn't until THIS VERY MOMENT WHILE WRITING THIS that I realized He gave me a message using the very thing that I have been impatient about...FOOD (my food blog)!!!***How many times do we ask God for something and then become impatient in our waiting and settle for the first thing that comes our way? WHEW! When you pray, are you truly expecting to receive the blessing you are asking for? Are you willing to wait? How bad so you want it? And are you close enough with the BLESSER that you trust the BLESSING request has been heard?
If you want a fork, pray and wait for it. Don't settle and end up being scooped away by a spoon!
