This morning I had some things on my mind and was just searching for a little clarity. I kept hearing “go walking“ in the back of my mind. Now, I used to walk around the lake a lot and I actually grew to enjoy it. But, as usual, life happened. So, I was a bit puzzled when I kept hearing “go walking“. I laid in bed fighting it until the voice was so loud, I couldn’t ignore it. Something said “JUST GO!” So, I went.
I put my music on and started around the track. I began talking to God. I talked, prayed, cried, and listened. Half-way around the track, I felt a sense of peace and a sense of relief. I realized I’ve been holding myself back. I’ve been keeping myself from being the woman I know I can be. I’ve been in my own way.
As a Pisces, I can be a bit of a dreamer. I often see things (and people) through rose colored glasses. While walking, it occurred to me that I need to stop dreaming and start doing! That job that I’ve been wanting…I have to JUST GO! That new city I’ve been wanting to move to…I have to JUST GO! That business venture that I want to start…I have to JUST GO! I have to stop letting the fear of disappointment, discouragement, and rejection get in my way. I’ve been holding back way too long! It’s time to just go!
What is holding you back? What do you need to do to JUST GO? Get out there! Take chances! Live and live to the fullest!