I have always had thick hair. I can remember getting my hair done as a child, dreading it, because it took forever AND I was tender headed. My hair was not only thick but it was long and course. As you can imagine, my mother got tired and began putting relaxers in my hair. Unlike other people’s experiences, the relaxers didn’t have a negative effect on my hair. I am 40 years old and my hair is still thick and long (except when I cut it). But even then, it grows back at a speedy pace. It was only when I had surgery in 2018 that I stopped getting relaxers. And that was only because I was fearful of getting the chemical in my eye. I did not get a cornea transplant only to be blinded again by a perm! LOL
A lot of people have tried to convince me to “go natural“. They’ve tried to tell me that my hair would be healthy, long, and thick. Now here’s where I get confused. My hair is already long, healthy, and thick. Don’t get me wrong. I have seen some beautiful natural do’s. From colorful curls, to picked out fros, to sea sickening waves. They’re all beautiful! The lovely locks, the two twist strands, the updos. ALL GORGEOUS!
But here’s what bothers me...why do the naturalistas push being natural so hard? It’s almost like a sorority that you should feel privileged to be a part of. Very seldom do you hear a relaxed beauty encourage someone to get perm. It’s always the other way around. And if being completely honest, some natural divas will tell you it’s a challenge and a struggle when it comes down to maintaining their styles.
Why can’t we wear our hair the way we want? If you like relaxers, get one! If you don’t, then don’t! Compliment your fellow sista! Hype her up! Spread love regardless of hair decisions, clothes decisions, nail decisions, etc. Does your hair make or break you? Are you your hair? Is that what defines you? Do what YOU like to do, not what society wants you to do. And no matter what you want to do, always remember, beYOUtiful!!!
