I woke up early this morning and was in a pretty decent mood. So, I decided to get a jump start on my day. I washed my hair (which was a task in itself), tidied up my room, and made my to-do list for the week. While I was doing my hair, Pastor Mike Todd popped in my head. I don't know why, but he just did. So, I turned on one of his services on YouTube. I randomly picked one and pushed play. The sermon was an amazing one and honestly, it spoke directly to me and things that I have been dealing with lately.
I am a praying woman. I pray when times are hard. I pray when times are good. I pray when I'm happy and I pray when I'm sad. I try to pray about everything concerning my life and the people that are in it. But there is one thing in particular that I have been praying about for a while now. I pray on it constantly. But I must admit, in the midst of my prayers, frustration and impatience have crept in. It was meant for me to listen to Pastor Todd this morning because his message was about that very thing! He said (in so many words) God is watching how I'm acting while praying and waiting. Am I waiting with faith that it will happen or am I waiting with an attitude and impatience?

When I say he stepped all on my toes!!! So, I was left with a refreshing spirit after the sermon went off. I had to check my self because even though I believe God was hearing my prayers, I started to get impatient which could cause me to move out of turn. I knew the adjustments that I needed to make, both spiritually and mentally. I felt good! I was now determined to continue to wait but with a different attitude and a different perspective.
Not 12 hours later, I received a text message. I read it. I read it again. I wanted to respond immediately but something stopped me. As enticing as this text was, a voice in my head kept saying "think before you make this decision". Honestly, I had made my mind up as to why I should respond to this text in the matter that would satisfy me but something wouldn't let me hit reply. And then it hit me! Just that fast, i had forgotten about Pastor Todd's message and was about to impatiently move out of turn! I was blown away! Oh, that dirty devil definitely does not play fair and he acts fast! Not even 24 hours and my patience was tested on the very thing that i am praying about. I almost slipped but I'm happy to say, I passed this test.
Whatever it is that you are praying about and for, keep praying, but pray with expectation and excitement. I know it can be hard, but try not to get angry or frustrated when it doesn't happen when YOU want it to happen. God's timing is not our timing! He knows our needs AND the desires of our hearts. If you want it bad enough to pray for it, be willing to be patient enough to receive it!