Do you remember the days of elementary school, when the bell rang, and we co run outside for recess? It was a moment to relax, a moment to talk to our friends, a moment to just let loose. The teacher would suggest games and then announce “leaders” and each leader would have to pick players for their team. Now, for most, this was exciting but to the not so popular, this is probably where your anxiety started. The fear of not being wanted on a team and/or the fear of being chosen last was excruciating!
Fast-forward to our adult lives…
Much like in elementary school, not getting chosen for a job, or in love, or being excluded from friend circles, or not being approved for that car or house you wanted…it sucks and often hurts! And as much as you pray about it, try to grow from it, or even act like it doesn’t matter, truth be told is, IT DOES!
But through it all, try your best to grow through it. Much like a rose that grows through a crack in concrete, there will be times when you will overlooked and not given a second thought. Because who decides to look down at sidewalks in search of flowers? Nobody! But that rose, through all adversity, keeps growing and not only does it keep growing, it grows just as beautiful as the roses in the flower shops people flock to, whether it’s unwanted or not. And you should do the same!
Did you hear about the rose that grew
from a crack in the concrete?
Proving nature's law is wrong it
learned to walk with out having feet.
Funny it seems, but by keeping its dreams,
it learned to breathe fresh air.
Long live the rose that grew from concrete
when no one else ever cared.
-Tupac Shakur
