I recently ordered food on DoorDash and I got a text that the driver with my order was approaching. So I clicked on the real time map in the app to see where he was. Now in my mind, I'm thinking he is within a very short distance of my location since and would reach me in a few minutes since the text said he was approaching. I'm watching the app and I notice his vehicle icon was nowhere near my location. When it finally got near me on the map, it turned and went a different direction.
I immediately get an attitude! Why would they alert me that he was approaching if he wasn't (in what I thought) was close range? And right when I decided to call, there was a knock at the door. I guess he was closer than it seemed.
It made me realize that the APPROACHING ALERT did not necessarily mean "in range". Instead, it meant he was on his way. In my haste, I almost made myself look silly by rushing a delivery that turned out to be a few feet away.
Is this how we are handling our wants, wishes, blessings, and desires? Could it be that they are approaching but we are missing or delaying them because it feels like they aren't in range? How many times have we rushed a blessing and then looked foolish because of our impatience? I'm talking to myself right now!
Your blessing is approaching! Your time is approaching! Your breakthrough is approaching! Get ready because soon it will be in range and it's going to land right on the runway of your life!